Products & Services We Offered
- emu chick breeds naturally or by using incubator .
- emu chicks are brown in colour with white strips.
- emu chick weighs approximately 70% of emu egg weight.
- colour will change after 3 months.
- average height of chicks are 8 to 10 inchs.
- chicks should be maintained in warm condition in clean water
- after 15 days the chicks will weigh 1200 to 1300 grams, with height of 10 to 12 inch
- after 30 days the chicks will weigh 2200 to 2500 grams, with height of 14 to 16 inch
- after 45 days the chicks will weigh 3300 to 3500 grams, with height of 18 to 20 inch
- after 60 days the chicks will weigh 4500 to 4700 grams, with height of 22 to 24 inch
- after 75 days the chicks will weigh 6000 to 6500 grams, with height of 26 to 28 inch
- after 90 days the chicks will weigh 7500 to 8000 grams, with height of 30 to 32 inch
- artificial incubation is often conducted at a temperature of approximately 97. 5 degrees fahrenheit
- The eggs weighs from 650 gram to 800 gram.
- emu eggs are beautiful works of art by themselves, or can be used in several different arts and crafts applications, limited only by your imagination.
- emu chicks hatch from the egg in 49 to 52 days.
- emu oil has also been proven to thicken the skin of the elderly by as much as 14 percent this is the most important among various products in emu farm. In the initial period the eggs should be used for the purpose of reproduction. In the later period the eggs will be used for growing fleshy young ones. In emu farming the egg production and hatching remains a very important everlasting process. In future emu-eggs production will definitely fetch large amount of profits. These birds live for forty years and remain sexually active for at least twenty five years. Hence with a single investment one can obtain long term production and profit. A single bird gives minimum twenty and maximum forty eggs every year.
Now is the time to seize the opportunity to become involved in India’s newest and most exciting agri-business. The product demand cycle is picking up speed as more consumers become aware of the healthy and vital products produced by the emu. While product demand has increased we are facing supply shortages. As a result, the industry will enjoy a returned value for existing breeding birds and higher prices for foundation stock as well as processing stock.
EMU Meat
- emu meat is pure, natural, high in iron, magnesium, potassium and other minerals, low in fat and cholesterol, good tastingmeat.
- With more protein and less calories and sodium than most other red meat, emu meat is similar in taste and texture to lean beef the bird’s meat is considered a healthy substitute for other red-meat variants such as lamb or beef. It is supposed to be extremely nutritious, with fat and cholesterol content being much lower than in any other red meat. low on cholesterol, high on protein," in what sounds like a well the benefits of consuming emu meat. There are estimated 1,000 emu farms-there are about 300 in maharashtra-up and running in the country today. While 1,000 may seem like a big number, it’s a drop in the ocean in comparison with the poultry farms that dot the country. Likewise in production,there are estimate of about 33,000 tonnes of emu meat produced in india now, which is a fraction of the 1. 9 million tonnes of chicken meat being produced in the country every year
- emu oil had diverse applications ranging from cosmetics, soaps, and shampoos to analgesics.
- emus provide a unique, penetrating oil. The oil comes from a thick pad of fat on the back of the bird that was initially provided by nature to protect the animal from extreme temperatures.
- emu oil has been shown to display anti-inflammatory properties and helps combat the effects of the aging process.
- emu oil has also been proven to thicken the skin of the elderly by as much as 14 percent traditionally emu oil has been used for treatment of muscle and joint pains. Clinical experience with emu oil has shown that its two major benefits are its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to penetrate the skin. It also appears to provide some solar protection. The penetrating effect appears to be related to its non-phosphorous composition.
- A number of studies have been conducted and are currently being conducted throughout the world on facts of the emu oil, including its composition, benefits, applications in different industries and the resulting properties of compounds formulated with the oil.
Servics We Offer For Opening EMU Farms & Hatcheries.
Alma Eme Farms
0424-2666666 +9198424-67575 +9198425-67575 E-mail:,
Bhavani Alma Emu Farms
Chittar,Bhavani - 638311.
Phone:04256 - 239588,239599
Cell : 98424-67675,98425 - 67575
Phone:0424 2666 666